Case studies

Sustainability strategy projects

Read about how we have worked with clients to help them get their sustainability strategies right.
We don’t just help with ideas, we do as much of the implementation as our clients need us to do, right up to running entire projects.
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Sustainability strategy recommendations for a UK food and beverage business
Our client’s customers were keen to know about their emissions reduction plans and how the company planned to manage supply chain risk. In their quest for transparency and impact reduction, we helped our client to understand their key drivers and internal capabilities and we produced a suite of resources, including a sustainability policy statement, a carbon report, a supplier self-assessment questionnaire and a long-term sustainability delivery programme. The new policies, procedures and formal reporting allowed them to keep their customers well-informed and keen to do business.
Strategy review in preparation for sale for a leading UK construction business
This client required an independent review of their sustainability strategy in advance of divestment by their existing owners. We conducted research and a wide-ranging competitor benchmarking process, interviewed key internal personnel and external stakeholders including suppliers, customers and investors. This highlighted a range of recommendations covering development of their existing strategy and broader engagement with environmental impacts, social matters and their institutional governance and transparency. All of Green Knight’s strategic intervention recommendations were accepted by the Board.
Sustainability strategy development for a UK food and beverage business
We were approached by a UK trade body which wanted to introduce a sustainability programme of long-term impact reduction, covering more than operational efficiency in order to meet customer demands. We conducted a sector review and benchmarking exercise along with a general review of consumer attitudes from which we presented them with a practical six-stage programme for embedding social and environmental considerations in their guidance to members.
Sustainability strategy review and carbon reporting for a global third-sector organisation
We were selected to carry out a review of the client’s sustainability strategy, calculate emissions associated with scopes 1 and 2 and a range of key activities including international travel, and provide recommendations for opportunities to meet their climate ambition of reducing the organisation’s carbon footprint. We conducted interviews with colleagues from a range of key functions, a benchmarking exercise against published data, and calculated an organisational carbon footprint. Our report provided the client with a comprehensive series of recommended actions enabling them to reduce the carbon impact of delivering their international development projects.
Double materiality assessment for a major UK food and beverage business
We were tasked with conducting a double materiality review for a branded F&B sector business using a range of issue scenarios drawn from reviews of competitors, customers, and public expectations of popular brands. These were workshopped with representatives of key departments, which enabled the business to recognise key impacts of their activities on environmental and social indicators and potential impacts of external issues on their operational and commercial performance. This process led to clear-sighted action plans for enhanced management processes which were implemented across the business.
Double materiality assessment for a large international packaging business
We were engaged by an international B2B packaging and components business to lead divisional materiality workshops to identify corporate environmental and social engagements priorities. Using scenarios and a range of over-arching topics drawn from sources such as the UN SDGs and the WEF risk list, these were examined at facilitated online workshops attended by international divisional representatives. The process enabled the business to identify key impacts of divisional activities on environmental and social indicators and anticipate potential impacts of key external issues on their performance. Common factors were consolidated into a corporate materiality matrix published on the Group website as part of a programme of disclosure to customers.
LCAs, carbon and net zero projects
We follow the requirements of recognised ISO, BSI and PAS standards to ensure that our work meets clients’ needs.
We use data from proprietary databases, academic studies, government publications and other reputable sources, augmented by our and our clients’ process understanding.
Read below for more.

Lifecycle assessment critical review for a large international retailer
We were engaged by a grocery retailer to conduct a critical review of a comparative lifecycle assessment (LCA) study considering a range of potential packaging options. The review was performed based on BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020 section 6.2 by our Lead Consultant as an independent expert, with findings accepted in full by the Practitioner of the LCA study.
Carbon Reduction Plan for a small UK infrastructure business
We were engaged by an existing client to prepare a Carbon Reduction Plan to meet public sector project bidding requirements. The process required collating and processing information for baseline and reporting years, identifying constraints and opportunities around hotspots and aligning ambitions with the level of control, influence or otherwise that the client could bring to bear. The proposal was accepted in full for submission to their public sector clients.
Lifecycle assessment critical review for a large European manufacturer
We were engaged by a manufacturer of core engineering products to conduct a critical review of a cradle-to-grave lifecycle assessment (LCA) considering the impact of an innovative production process. The study was consistent with the requirements of PD CEN ISO/TS 14071:2016 against BS EN ISO 14040:2006+A1:2020 and BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020. The review was performed based on BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020 section 6.2 by our Lead Consultant as an individual independent external expert, with findings accepted by the Practitioner and included in the final study report.
Food waste reduction planning for a large UK/international food and beverage collaboration
We were engaged to work with a group of stakeholders to produce a report and associated recommendations for identifying opportunities to limit or eliminate possible unintended consequences of supply chain changes to drive overall waste reduction. The project involved working with stakeholder representatives at all stages of the value chain to understand operational constraints and opportunities within their own organisations, and mapping product flows through multiple actors to understand implications elsewhere from changes made at any given point. Outputs included a set of immediate term actions which could be implemented at zero or low cost and recommendations for further research. The work formed the basis for a series of sweeping sector-wide recommendations published by our client.
Net-zero training and priority setting for a large UK regional local authority project
Following successful introductory engagement in another region of the UK, funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund we were engaged to develop and deliver a suite of net-zero resources available to all organisations located in the client Local Authority’s geographic area. The resources comprised a series of webinars and face-to-face workshops aimed at organisations with little or no experience of carbon accounting. The webinars covered the basics of emissions measurement, reporting frameworks and risk management, and the workshops developed capacity to understand and take action on net-zero carbon as part of an operational strategy.
Carbon footprint study for an international agri-feed business
We were engaged by a division of an international agri-chemicals business to conduct a Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) study on one of their flagship products and produce recommendations for carbon reductions along the supply chain. Where direct data was not available, we undertook desk research to identify synthetic routes and build proxy models to provide carbon estimates for those parts of the process. The final report provided an indicative PCF with methodology summary and data confidence assessment, recommendations for improving data quality and reducing the PCF figure, and a comparison of the carbon savings delivered by using the product at the recommended application rate. This is now used as part of the client’s standard sales and marketing for the product.
Carbon plan for a UK manufacturing business
We were approached by a business which was aware of our work with other clients to conduct for them a Product Carbon Footprint study and develop a carbon plan in accordance with the requirements of major stakeholders in their sector. The initial PCF was conducted in their flagship product and comparative studies subsequently carried out on other products. Along with an analysis of the individual components of the emissions make-up of all scopes within the site ‘carbon overhead’ a hotspot analysis of the PCF was used to generate an action list for reducing the embodied carbon and also address use phase and end of life. The findings have given rise to a number of follow-on collaborative projects with suppliers and customers.
Postgraduate education on Lifecycle Assessment theory and practice for a large international academic institution
Our Lead Consultant was approached by a contact at a leading UK university to develop and deliver a module within a Masters’ degree course for industry professionals with an interest in or responsibility for sustainability within their employer organisations. The module addressed the theory behind Lifecycle Assessments (LCAs) and practical considerations in their application. The latter was scenario based, reviewing direct or implied claims made in real-world applications and how they might be improved, regulatory obligations and reputational risks. The module also covered Social Lifecycle Assessments and broader environmental impact studies and was reprised for groups on other courses run by the university. Students were assessed on a carbon footprint study of their own choosing, marks from which contributed to their final degree classification with excellent feedback from students and academics and invitations to repeat the delivery for other institutions.
Data and reporting projects

We help clients report against statutory or market requirements, using internal and external data as necessary.
We tailor the outputs to the needs of their respective audiences; technical where it needs to be, or a more accessible approach for other types of stakeholders.
Read below for more.
Ethical procurement guidelines for a global manufacturing business
We were invited by an international manufacturing business to write ethical procurement guidelines for teams based in multiple geographies worldwide. We conducted desk-based research on best practice as published by UN agencies, the ISO20400 standard, platforms such as Sedex and Ecovadis and existing policies and procedures from organisations in the same and adjacent sectors. From this and interviews with members of the internal team we produced a suite of recommendations which we then incorporated into a procurement protocol. This addressed key supply chain risk types and mitigation and key actions for procurement teams at stages along supplier relationship development. The protocol was accompanied by a supplier self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) and all components were linked to the client’s existing strategic goals.
Responsible supply chain strategy development for a UK food and beverage business
We were engaged by a branded food business to facilitate a process to produce guidance for environmentally responsible supply chain management in line with their existing brand values. We delivered a facilitated workshop with key team members which developed the organisation’s supply chain priorities into a number of key areas of engagement and the way in which suppliers would be brought into the process. Key outputs included a framing of a sustainable supply chain, priority areas within scope 3, expectations of suppliers and a draft roll-out plan.
Sustainable Food City Partnership model for a mega-city Latin American public and third sector collaboration
Our lead consultant was engaged to project manage the creation of a set of recommendations for a Food City Partnership in a major city region in Latin America. The process included identifying and recruiting interested parties within the city, researching similar initiatives elsewhere in the world, conducting interviews with local contributors, chairing a bilingual workshop with simultaneous translation and lead authoring the recommendation report for the ultimate client. The recommendations were drawn from a combination of direct input from individual contributors and synthesising findings from all of the research themes around the project. The entire project was subject to a tight deadline from the ultimate client and was successfully shaped, conducted and delivered within one month, meeting all KPIs.
Sustainability engagement review for a UK and international professional development organisation
The client, an international professional membership organisation, is the leading representative institution for qualified members who have a professional need to understand the sustainable conduct of supply chains. We were engaged to conduct a landscape review of sustainability within their sector and produce an accessible set of resources covering key considerations which they could be expected to encounter in their work, along with directional guidance on how to address issues which may arise. We conducted a review of professional papers, trade publications and general media and interviewed a range of external specialists covering a range of established and emerging technologies. These were condensed into a set of reviews and case studies following progress along the supply chain written in largely non-technical language and accompanied by recommended further reading. The report has been used within the client’s own comms and has led to follow-on activities.
Biodiversity net-gain assessment for a UK infrastructure business
An existing client was faced at short notice with an unexpected need to include a biodiversity net gain (BNG) assessment for a public sector infrastructure project. The project was a small-scale installation on undeveloped land within an urban environment and fell within the ‘small site’ classification but external factors necessitated use of the full scale tool and further engagement with the client. We were able to complete the site walkover in the week in which we were engaged to conduct the work and provide recommendations for environmental enhancements to enable passing of planning consent.
Technical support projects
We are qualified and highly experienced scientific researchers and can quickly get to the nub of new issues.
Even if we aren’t yet experts in a new area, we are your bridge to the complexities of the worlds of sustainability science, technology and regulation.
Read below for more.

GWP* technical workshop for an international agri-feed business
We were approached by contacts within an international feed business looking for an introduction to the GWP* ‘metric’ developed with the intention of better reflecting the global warming impact of short-lived climate pollutants, the subject of intense interest within the ruminant agriculture sector. We conducted a review of academic and policy publications which were synthesised into part of a face-to-face presentation and workshop covering the theory of climate change, the science of the GWP* model and a comparison of GWP* against the more commonly used GWP100 model. The client was also supplied with a supporting reference bibliography.
EU CBAM guidance for global agri-feed & manufacturing businesses
We have been engaged by manufacturing clients in two sectors, in both the UK and the EU, to provide guidance on the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). This covers interpretation of the regulation’s impact in their existing activities, assessing potential future cost impacts and assistance in providing documentation. We conducted a thorough desk-based review of publications from the European Commission and professional and trade commentary, and provided a range of outputs including group presentations, a webinar, briefing notes, operational guidance and data processing enabling our clients to satisfy the requirements of their own customers. We extended the subject coverage to include implications of the UK’s own planned CBAM.
Guidance on SDG alignment for a global not-for-profit organisation
As a consequence of the emergence of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common framework for ESG reporting by large companies, we were engaged by an international membership-based NGO to produce guidance on practical alignment with the SDGs for smaller organisations among their membership. We conducted desk-based research reviewing publications from the UN and SDG supporting organisations, the targets associated with the Goals and the client’s existing environmental and social assessment framework. With the client, we also engaged with larger member organisations to collect existing examples of good practice and prepared a factsheet for each of the 17 Goals covering the theme, day-to-day alignment and including case studies.
Developing additional income streams in UK agriculture for a large UK agricultural collaboration
We were engaged to provide technical support on a number of landscape scale projects funded through a UK government department aimed at understanding barriers and opportunities around the use of agricultural land for increased ecosystem services. Topics included the practice and progress of land use conversion to provide carbon sequestration and improved biodiversity, as part of an income diversification strategy for land managers. We conducted desk-based research on ecological succession as part of a model and metric system and work around the scale of carbon sequestration opportunities. We also supported the client in assessment of existing reporting platforms and emerging data systems based on remote sensing and provided comprehensive recommendations on practical implementation.